20th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting

CAP Long-Term Ecological Research

20th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting

Save the date! CAP LTER will be holding its 20th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting on January 5th, 2018 at ASU's SkySong facility in Scottsdale. Weiqi Zhou, Professor

Wisdom from the Director’s Lava Lamp

Dear CAPpers: As we begin a new year, a new phase of CAP, and a strange new world, I have some news and important information to pass along. First, many

19th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting

Save the date! CAP will be holding its 19th Annual Poster Symposium and All Scientists Meeting on January 13th at ASU's SkySong facility in Scottsdale. Diane Pataki, Professor, Department of

Undergraduate research opportunities at LTER sites

The Ecological Society of America's SEEDS initiative, which aims to increase diversity in the field of ecology, is recruiting undergraduate students from underrepresented groups for the SPUR fellowship program. This

High school girls learn coding

A group of high school girls in Mesa Public Schools spent their fall break learning to code in R, a computer language used for statistical analysis. This workshop was the

CAP Co-Sponsors Light Pollution Conference

Light pollution is a critical ecological issue in the city, which has gotten little attention. CAP is co-sponsoring the International Dark Sky Association’s (IDA) annual meeting in Scottsdale, November 14-15,

Trees and lawns curb excessive urban heat

A recent ASU News article on the role of trees and lawns in urban heat island featured CAP scientists Ben Ruddell, Ariane Middel, and Nancy Selover. Shade provided by trees

SESYNC-LTER Postdoctoral Fellowships

Attention all Post-docs! Looking for a LTER fellowship? Apply for a two year postdoctoral fellowship today with The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) in collaboration with the National Science Foundation's

Director Notes June 2015

Dear CAP Colleagues, Students, and Friends, We’re heading into summer with some exciting synthesis research funded and underway! Several groups of CAP scientists will analyze long-term data to address specific

Anthony Brazel and V. Kerry Smith honored for contributions to urban socioecological research

Anthony Brazel, Emeritus Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, and V. Kerry Smith, Emeritus Regents' Professor and Emeritus Professor of Economics, WP Carey School of Economics,

Grads and undergrads defend theses and dissertations

Spring brings a lot of things, including thesis and dissertation defenses. The following have either successfully completed or will be completing their defenses this spring: Thomas Bleasdale defended his dissertation,

17th Annual CAP ASM and poster symposium

We are excited to be presenting our 17th annual CAP ASM and poster symposium on January 16th from 8 am - 4 pm at ASU SkySong, Building 3, Synergy I