Study Abroad Fair Nov. 21


School of Sustainability students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend this Thursday's Study Abroad Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Memorial Union, Arizona and Ventana rooms on the ASU Tempe campus. Study abroad program experts will be on hand to answer any questions regarding ASU's 250 study abroad opportunities. Also get a first-person point of view and advice from students who traveled abroad last year.

New 2014 programs include faculty-directed trips organized by the Global Institute of Sustainability.

"Students who study abroad tell us that they, on average, have an easier time securing a job upon graduation because they have a ‘stand out’ academic experience on their resume," says Adam Henry, ASU’s Study Abroad Office interim director. "Students indicate that they gain new knowledge and expertise, independence, cultural understanding, the opportunity to discover new places, and a competitive edge upon graduation ... while at the same time receiving ASU course credit."