Arizona State University is the 2014 location for the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) Annual Meeting taking place on March 21-23 on the Tempe campus. CGI U promotes and encourages the millennial generation's motivation towards positive change and impactful entrepreneurship by funding student-created projects and initiatives.
"This conference is building upon the worldwide movement for social entrepreneurship and change that’s at the core of the millennial generation," said Kaitlin Fitzgerald, student director of Changemaker Central. "ASU is a great place for that because we are a university that prides itself on showing students how to take the resources and opportunities at their disposal and apply them to real-world challenges."
School of Sustainability students are encouraged to apply by Nov. 22 with ideas related to one of five focus areas: education, environment and climate change, peace and human rights, poverty alleviation, and public health. For questions, email [email protected].