Institute shares sustainability through events

Arizona State University’s Global Institute of Sustainability and its School of Sustainability host many events throughout the year, both on campus and off. These events not only bring world-renowned thinkers and doers, many in our own backyard, from academia, business, and government to ASU; they also provide an outlet for ASU to present its own sustainability research to the public and engage the community in dialogues to address sustainability challenges.

Events are free and open to the public, up to room capacity, so RSVP early. Visit for a list of upcoming events.

Wrigley Lecture Series

Naomi Oreskes

Funded through the generous support of Julie Ann Wrigley, the Wrigley Lecture Series brings internationally known thinkers and problem-solvers to ASU to engage directly with students and the larger sustainability community. Last year’s semester-ending lecture was given by science historian and author Naomi Oreskes, who traced the history of so-called “merchants of doubt” – those who have denied well-established scientific knowledge to influence the public-policy debate on a range of issues, from cigarette smoking to climate change.
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Sustainability Series

Energy and National Security

Sustainability Series speakers discuss a range of environmental, social, and economic topics at these events, sponsored or co-sponsored by the Global Institute of Sustainability. In a popular event from June 2013, Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-09) joined a panel of U.S. Army veterans – Brig. Gen. John Adams, Lt. Col. Joe Knott, and Capt. Brett Hunt to talk about energy and national security.
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Arts & Humanities in Sustainability Series

Solar Sewing Paul Nosa

The Arts and Humanities in Sustainability Series demonstrates the impact that arts and humanities have on sustainability. The series is presented by the Global Institute of Sustainability and co-sponsored by ASU’s Institute for Humanities Research and Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts. The collaboration began with an art exhibit called Prototypical, that ran in Wrigley Hall during Dec. 2012 – Jan. 2013.
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Carbon Nation Conversations

Tamara DiCaprio and Peter Byck

Carbon Nation Conversations, hosted by Carbon Nation™ Director and Producer Peter Byck, are climate-change solution conversations (that don't even care if you believe in climate change). The first Conversation, held in April 2013, featured Tamara DiCaprio, senior director of environmental sustainability for Microsoft® She discussed the challenges and rewards of Microsoft’s groundbreaking internal carbon-taxation policy.
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Case Critical Series

Keystone XL Pipeline

In this series, experts engage in solution-based discussions focusing on the environmental, social, and economic implications of high-stakes threats and breaking-news issues. In a compelling conversation in April 2013, panelists Wally Broecker, John Hofmeister, and Mike Pasqualetti, together with moderator Peter Byck, discussed the heated controversy over the Keystone XL Pipeline.
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Sustainability After School Series

Sustainability After School

In this series of events, School of Sustainability students and alumni learn from career experts and industry leaders who offer real tools, knowledge, and experiences for working in sustainability in the real world. Topics have included corporate sustainability, consulting, renewable energy, and food systems careers, as well as expertise on internships, networking, résumé-writing, and more.
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Sustainability Speakers Corner

Deborah Thurkill Speakers Corner

New in Fall 2013, the Global institute of Sustainability invites community sustainability activists to “show and tell” their work to shoppers at the Farmer’s Market.  Speakers this Fall include “The Worm Whisperer” and urban chicken-raising advocates.
See what’s on the calendar for Fall 2013 »

Visit to find a list of upcoming events.