How can you recognize human-caused climate change with natural causes for elevated carbon dioxide? Do scientists agree that humans activity is behind global warming? Why should we care about biodiversity? These are some of the questions two of our ASU
Center for Biodiversity Outcomes scientists,
Leah Gerber and
Steffen Eikenberry, help answer in
this Q&A segment of ASU Now – Discoveries.
Gerber is a professor in the
School of Life Sciences and founding director of the Center for Biodiversity Outcomes. Eikenberry is a postdoctoral research associate in the
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
The rate of species facing extinction has exponentially grown in the last few years. Approximately 1 million species are threatened with extinction within the next decade, based on a 2019
report by the
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Watch this short video and
this video series to learn more about biodiversity, its value and extinction.