Arizona State University hosted a group of faculty members and researchers from the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE) during the ‘Second Gathering ASU-CICESE’ (‘Segundo Encuentro ASU-CICESE’) in February 2018. This meeting was an opportunity to continue the interaction and ideas exchange on scientific topics of relevance to natural resources management in southwestern North America.
Participants included four faculty and one researcher from CICESE (Drs. Cuauhtémoc Turrent Thompson, Rodrigo Méndez Alonzo, Alejandro Hinojosa Corona, Steven Bullock and Alejandro Cueva), as well as 27 faculty members, researchers and graduate students from ASU. The activity consisted of scientific discussions organized in two breakout groups on topics of mutual institutional interest, presentations on cross-border scientific efforts at ASU, and discussions on alternative financing models for trans-border efforts.
The event – supported by the
Global Drylands Center, School of Earth and Space Exploration, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and CICESE – demonstrates ASU’s international collaboration efforts in research, education and outreach. A
press release by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Mexico (CONACYT) highlights the importance and bi-national interest in the event.