Dr. Sasha Reed, GDC Affiliate, awarded by American Geophysical Union

Dr. Reed presented the 2024 Union Fellow & Joanne Simpson Medal

Dr. Sasha Reed, US Geological Survey Southwest Biological Science Center Terrestrial Drylands Ecology Branch Chief & GDC Affiliate, was presented two awards in tandem today. The 2024 AGU Union Fellows achievement award is presented to those who have made exceptional contributions to Earth and space science through a breakthrough, discovery, or innovation in their field. Fellows act as external experts, capable of advising government agencies and other organizations outside the sciences upon request. Dr. Reed was also presented the Joanne Simpson Medal, given annually to two to three middle career honorees in recognition of their significant contributions to Earth and space science. The medal recognizes exceptional middle career scientists who have made transformative scientific advances or breakthrough in the Earth and space sciences, have demonstrated strong leadership, and provided outstanding service to science and society. Congratulations, Dr. Reed!