Lina Maria Useche Kempf: Pioneering inclusive entrepreneurship in Brazil

We live in a country with a brutal inequality but filled with honest, creative, and hardworking people that start their micro businesses to generate income for their families. They just don't know that they are entrepreneurs and that they just need a push.

Lina Maria Useche Kempf Co-Founder and Head of Institutional Relations of Aliança Empreendedora

Lina Maria Useche Kempf - Co-Founder and Head of Institutional Relations of Aliança Empreendedora

2024 WE Empower UN SDG Challenge Awardee, Latin America and Caribbean Region

Growing up with parents who were Christian missionaries, Lina Maria Useche Kempf understood from an early age the significance of living with a sense of purpose. This principle has led to her becoming Co-Founder and Head of Institutional Relations at Aliança Empreendedor in Brazil. Kempf has made significant contributions to the entrepreneurial landscape by empowering, training, and connecting low-income micro-entrepreneurs to help them succeed.

Aliança Empreendedor’s Story

In 2004, Kempf began working at a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young entrepreneurs in low-income communities. It was during this time that she faced a profound challenge. After assisting ten young entrepreneurs in developing their business models, they were suddenly left without promised credit due to the shutdown of a governmental program, the Social Bank. This experience drove Kempf and her colleagues to radically change their approach.

The Power of Entrepreneurship

Over the past 19 years, Aliança Empreendedora has supported over 200,000 entrepreneurs, influencing public policy to strengthen the ecosystem that supports micro-entrepreneurs. Aliança Empreendedora operates on the belief that inclusive entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for lifting people out of poverty and building prosperity. The organization offers free online and onsite courses and training, financial assistance, mentorships, and access to supportive networks. Their solutions are tailored to the specific needs of micro-entrepreneurs. 

The organization connects corporate partners with microentrepreneurs by either supporting those already in their value chains or creating programs to incorporate microentrepreneurs into these value chains. They also consult on paid developing content for their corporate partners’ platforms to deliver training for their entrepreneurs.

Commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Aliança Empreendedora is a signatory organization of the UN Global Compact for the Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil, focusing on SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) with their many initiatives to empower entrepreneurs, who represent 27% of the country’s GDP. Through training programs, they contribute to the economic empowerment of historically excluded and vulnerable groups (SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities).

Their work highlights women through targeted support programs, gender-inclusive policies, capacity building, and research-driven advocacy to advance gender equity (SDG 5: Gender Equity)

Aliança Empreendedora’s efforts contribute to economic and social inclusion, improving working conditions and living standards for entrepreneurs. The organization promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, job creation, and decent work for all.

I learned that living for a purpose is the only thing that makes sense.

Lina Maria Useche Kempf

By Grace Reiter, WE Empower Intern