Lynn Malkawi: Championing change through education and empowerment

My personal mission is to break down barriers and help build programs providing proper developmental models utilizing a community participatory approach with access of quality education to people in marginalized communities leading to sustainable change.

Lynn Malkawi Founder and Director of Wasel for Awareness and Education

Lynn Malkawi - Founder and Director of Wasel for Awareness and Education

2024 WE Empower UN SDG Finalist, Middle East and North Africa

As the Founder and Director of Wasel for Awareness and Education and the Mehnaty Portal, Lynn Malkawi has dedicated her life to dismantling barriers and fostering sustainable change through innovative educational and community programs. Established in 2018, Wasel for Awareness and Education is a Jordanian social enterprise committed to advancing social justice by bridging the gap between youth from diverse geographical and socioeconomic backgrounds. Functioning as a think tank, Wasel excels in promoting social change through the application of design thinking methodology – a core element of its programs. By eliminating the hero/victim mentality through various programming, the organization engages youth in collaborative efforts to create meaningful social change.

Commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Malkawi’s pioneering initiatives, such as the Shabbek wa Bader program, exemplify her innovative approach to education. This program bridges the socioeconomic divide by integrating students from public and private schools, promoting mutual respect and collaboration through joint projects aimed at solving community issues. By teaching essential skills in project management and community organizing, the program nurtures a generation of leaders dedicated to achieving Sustainable Development Goals 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

Under Malkawi’s leadership, Wasel has successfully partnered with over 26 schools, creating a robust network of over 7 financial entities, incubators, and accelerators. These partnerships empower students to pitch their projects, enhancing their entrepreneurial skills and increasing their access to funding and resources. The Shabbek wa Ibtaker program further supports this mission by fostering entrepreneurial skills among youth, with a strong focus on gender inclusivity and disability integration, ensuring that over 60% of participants are women and 10% are people with disabilities (SDG 5: Gender Equality).

Malkawi’s advocacy extends to her Citizenship Engagement Program, which empowers youth to engage with the Jordanian parliament, advocating for legislative changes through policy papers and interactive campaigns. This initiative not only promotes SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) but also enhances civic engagement and education, supporting SDG 4 (Quality Education).

Emphasis on Sustainability

Committed to sustainability, Malkawi’s programs are designed with environmental consciousness, incorporating practices such as recycling, reducing plastic use, and planning for electric vehicle adoption. Her holistic approach ensures that Wasel for Awareness & Education not only empowers individuals but also champions the cause of global sustainability.

Through her relentless dedication, Lynn Malkawi continues to inspire a new wave of change-makers, transforming dreams into reality and proving that together, we can build a world where opportunities are limitless and sustainable development is within reach.

“My conviction stems from the belief that talent is universal, yet opportunities are not.

Lynn Malkawi

By Grace Reiter, WE Empower Intern