Teresa Njoroge: Transforming lives through Clean Start Solutions Kenya

I am fervently committed to advocating against social injustices and championing justice system reforms, especially for marginalized individuals who face disproportionate challenges.

Teresa Njoroge Founder and CEO of Clean Start Africa
Teresa Njoroge

Teresa Njoroge - Founder and CEO of Clean Start Africa

2024 WE Empower UN SDG Challenge Awardee, Sub-Saharan Africa Region

Teresa Njoroge’s entrepreneurial journey exemplifies resilience and a deep commitment to social justice. Her personal mission, shaped by the harrowing experience of serving a wrongful prison sentence at Langata Women Maximum Security Prison from 2009 to 2011 with her infant daughter, ignited a desire to effect meaningful change. This prompted her to establish and lead Clean Start Africa as CEO in 2015—a social enterprise committed to helping formerly incarcerated women in Kenya successfully reintegrate into society.

Clean Start Africa’s mission

Clean Start Africa offers comprehensive support including employment training, psychosocial support, entrepreneurship, and vocational training, enabling women to find sustainable livelihoods post-release. Clean Start Africa provides training and job placements across six tracks: construction and interior design, culinary skills and catering, beauty and hair-dressing, clean energy, fish farming and fashion design and production. The organization works to alleviate the stigma, isolation, and economic barriers faced by women leaving prison. Through its initiatives, Clean Start Africa amplifies stories of resilience and advocates for systemic reforms to support policy changes and prison reforms. To date, they have supported over 4000 women and their families in Kenya with successful reintegration.

Currently, Clean Start Africa is focused on several key opportunities for expansion and impact. These include establishing the Clean Start Center, integrating a Safe House for women and girls transitioning from prison, replicating Clean Start Africa’s successful model in other African countries, and enhancing partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations to amplify advocacy efforts. This Safe House will be the first of its kind in Kenya for women transitioning from prison. Through these endeavors, Clean Start Africa aims to address the criminalization of poverty and advocate for pro-women sentencing policies.

Teresa Njoroge speaking into a microphone she is holding.

Commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Clean Start Africa is instrumental in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals particularly SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 5 (Gender Equality). By providing reintegration support, education opportunities, and economic empowerment programs, Clean Start Africa contributes to creating a more equitable and just society.  Clean Start’s Njoroge also uses her story and the stories of the women she supports to advocate for government policy change in sentencing and prison reform (SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions)).

Championing social and economic justice

Njoroge has been an advocate for marginalized communities, particularly women, girls, and children affected by the criminal justice system. Clean Start Africa is unique as it is led by a formerly incarcerated woman and focuses on restoring dignity, hope, and self-confidence to imprisoned and formerly imprisoned women and girls, while breaking the cycles of poverty, crime, and recidivism. 

My vision extends beyond borders as I strive to leverage my platform to effect positive change not only locally but also globally. Through relentless advocacy and tangible initiatives, I am determined to pave the way towards a more equitable and just society for all.

Teresa Njoroge

By Grace Reiter, WE Empower Intern