Edda Aradottir: Leading the charge in climate action and gender equality

Sustainability is in our DNA.

Edda Aradottir Co-Founder and CEO of Carbfix

Edda Aradottir - Co-Founder and CEO of Carbfix

2024 WE Empower UN SDG Challenge Awardee, Europe and North America Region

Dr. Edda Aradottir is the Co-Founder and CEO of Carbfix, an Icelandic company focused on significantly contributing to climate recovery through proprietary technology that permanently turns captured CO2 into stone underground. As a trained Chemical Engineer accustomed to a male-dominated industry, Aradottir is also dedicated to highlighting the critical role women play in climate action, particularly in the face of regressive trends in women’s rights globally and the disproportionate impact of climate change on women and girls. 

Carbfix: Innovative climate solutions

Carbfix’s technology is scientifically proven to speed up natural processes that already store over 99% of all carbon that exists on Earth. Under Aradottir’s leadership, Carbfix aims to scale this technology globally, particularly targeting hard-to-abate sectors such as cement, steel, and chemicals. This innovative approach not only reduces emissions but also contributes to permanent carbon removal, aligning with global climate targets.

Commitment to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Carbfix’s mission extends beyond climate technology development (SDG 13: Climate Action); the company actively engages with various stakeholders, including policymakers, businesses, and NGOs, to accelerate the implementation of carbon capture and storage solutions. Carbfix collaborates with partners worldwide, including Europe, North America, and parts of Asia and Africa, to scale its technology in areas with favorable geology, regulatory frameworks, and market incentives (SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals).

Aradottir’s dedication to SDG 5 (Gender Equality) is evident in Carbfix’s workforce composition, where women constitute 52% of the overall team, 50% of the Executive Team, and 60% of the Board of Directors. This achievement is rare in the deep tech industry and demonstrates that gender balance is attainable even in male-dominated sectors. Carbfix ensures equal gender representation at all organizational levels, promoting a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Educational and Community Engagement

Carbfix is committed to educating and engaging the next generation of scientists and the broader community. The company collaborates with academic institutions to train scientists and engineers, supports youth education through exhibitions, and maintains transparency through public communication. These efforts aim to raise awareness and foster public discourse on climate issues.

Future vision

Aradottir and Carbfix are steadfast in their mission to contribute to climate recovery. By scaling their technology globally and fostering gender equality within their organization, they aim to make a significant impact on the planet and its people. Aradottir’s leadership exemplifies the integration of climate action and social sustainability, setting a standard for future leaders in the industry.

It is pivotal to highlight women’s role in climate to empower us and make sure we are included in all discussions and decision making.

Edda Aradottir

By Grace Reiter, WE Empower Intern