Project Cities highlight: Empowering voices in rural communities: Supporting inclusive community engagement for water decision-making

Project Cities was recently featured on the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative (AWII) blog, highlighting its rural water decision-making workshop hosted in the Verde Valley this past spring.

"Innovative, community-driven solutions are essential for sustainable water management, which invites a thoughtful and inclusive approach to involve local community members in the decision-making process. Programs like Project Cities and Impact Water – Arizona exhibit a commitment to serving rural residents of the state through their ongoing dedication to creating collaborative spaces that support innovative approaches to water management."

Read more about the workshop HERE.

Project Cities is a member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network (EPIC-N) and is administered by ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and the Sustainable Cities Network. Stay up to date with Project Cities and the Sustainable Cities Network by following us on social media or subscribing to our newsletter