ASU researcher contributes to global climate negotiation process

Sonja Klinsky, Associate Professor in the School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures, is lead author on How needs-based assessments could advance equity in the global stocktake and beyond, a new publication in Nature Climate Change.

Says Klinsky: When the Paris Agreement was designed in 2015, it was purposefully intended to become more ambitious over time. A key mechanism within this is called the Global Stocktake in which the global community looks at what progress has been made, and what steps should be taken next. Using needs as a basis for outlining the pathway forward would help each country, and other actors like corporations or philanthropies, identify what actions would be most useful in moving towards effective and equitable climate action

The abstract follows:
The global stocktake (GST) could both enable and hamper the inclusion of equity. This Comment outlines why equity is central to the GST and the challenges faced in addressing it, as well as the utility of needs-based assessments for advancing equity within the GST and the climate action generally.

Michelle Schwartz