The Institute for Future Health at Arizona State University hosted our first Comparative Medicine Symposium on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at ASU's Skysong Complex in Scottsdale, Arizona.
This event was a one-day symposium will focus on how veterinary patients with naturally occurring diseases are accelerating biomedical innovations in the human health sector in oncology, infectious disease, cardiology, and other therapeutic areas. Free registration is open to academic researchers, healthcare providers, veterinarians, students, and others who are interested in translational research and the development of biomedical products. Join us to learn more about this exciting intersection of health research that can serve to benefit ourselves as well as our pets.
Speaker Bios
Morning Agenda
7:30am-8:30am: Registration and breakfast
Opening remarks on comparative medicine, veterinary clinical research and opportunities in animal health
Craig Woods DVM, MS, MBA
Comparative canine cancers: -omics, diagnostics, vaccines and treatments
Rachel Venable DVM, MS, DACVIM
Veterinary cardiology: comparative diseases (cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure) and interventions
Matthew Miller DVM, MS, DACVIM
Arizona's Comparative Medicine and Technology Landscape (snaphsots)
Brief (~5 minute) presentations by industry and academic representatives to discuss their research, services or products which align with comparative medicine. If interested in presenting, visit the "Snapshot Presentations" page.
Afternoon Agenda
12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm-4:45pm One Health and veterinary medicine's role in advancing biomedical innovations [Download PDF]
George Poste DVM, PhD Presentations - Complex Adaptive Systems Initiative (
The Dog Aging Project: canine cognition, neurological diseases and molecular aging
Noah Snyder-Mackler PhD, Emily Bray PhD and Evan MacLean PhD
Infectious diseases: Valley Fever, SCV2, and vector borne pathogens
Hayley Yaglom-Hemmelgam MS, MPH and Bridget Barker PhD
Structuring academic and veterinary clinical research collaborations; open forum for Q&A
Valerie Harris PhD and Craig Woods DVM, MS, MBA
5:00pm-6:30pm: Reception at 1951@Skysong with appetizers and refreshments.