Project Cities fall 2021: New project summary reports released

We are pleased to announce the release of 6 new project summary reports! The fall 2021 semester comprised of 10 student projects that engaged over 60 students from various disciplines, including sustainability, engineering, environmental resource management, and public affairs! 

Town of Clarkdale Projects

Smart Town

As part of a multi-semester project, four students from the ASU Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) program worked with the Town of Clarkdale to research and design strategies for implementing public wi-fi for the Town’s Selna-Mongini park. 

View the project summary report

STEM & Sustainability Park

Two students from Nalini Chhetri’s SOS 498/594 Urban Sustainability Best Practices course worked with Clarkdale’s Parks and Recreation department to investigate sustainability and STEM park features for the Town’s Selna-Mongini park.

View the project summary report 

City of Peoria Projects

Communication Campaigns

Students from Nicole Lee’s CMN 520 Communication Campaigns course split into two teams to work with the City of Peoria’s Solid Waste and Transit Divisions to design messaging strategies for the City’s recycling and public transit programs.

View the project summary report 

E-Waste and Biomass Gasification Study

Students from Al Brown’s ERM 432/532 Sustainable Solid Waste Management course split into two groups to study two challenging solid waste materials: biomass and e-waste. Students investigated the feasibility of the City of Peoria to process e-waste at a municipal level, while the othe group studied the feasibility of a biomass gasification program. 

View the project summary report 

Historic Preservation: Frameworks and Guiding Principles

Three graduate students from the School of Public Affairs worked with Peoria’s Community Services department to conduct a literature review of historic preservation frameworks and strategies to inform recommendations for Peoria’s Old Town district. 

View the project summary report 

Dark Sky Ordinance Study

Two students from Nalini Chhetri’s SOS 498/594 Urban Sustainability Best Practices course worked with Peoria’s Planning and Zoning department to compile best practices and policy recommendations to inform the development of a potential future Dark Sky Ordinance. 

View the project summary report

Safe Battery Storage

One master’s student from the School of Public Affairs consulted with Peoria’s Public Safety and Planning to examine safety considerations around battery storage. 

View the project summary report 

Congratulations to all the students who participated with Project Cities during the fall semester! You can view all Project Cities reports at

Project Cities is a member of the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Network (EPIC-N) and is administered by ASU’s Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and the Sustainable Cities Network. Stay up to date with Project Cities and the Sustainable Cities Network by following us on social media or subscribing to our newsletter