ASU's GRI Standards Training Course relaunches with 2021 Update

GRI Standards Training Course

In October 2021, GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) announced some modifications to the Standards to both improve them and keep them current with the evolving business landscape. ASU's College of Global Futures Professional and Executive Education team has revamped and relaunched their online GRI Standards training course to reflect these updates.

The online training is available for instant registration anytime, on demand, and will teach you how to apply the most widely adopted global standards for non-financial sustainability reporting. It covers how to identify material topics, engage with stakeholders, and prepare a sustainability report. The training also features real practitioners discussing tips and the lessons they’ve learned in sustainability reporting. It is 100% online, self-paced, and takes about 12 hours to complete – you may enroll & begin the course whenever you’d like.

Select discounts are available for current students, ASU alumni, and NGO employees; email for details.

ASU has been a certified training partner of GRI since 2017 and is one of the only training partners in the world to offer a fully online, self-paced version of the training course. Organizations reporting GRI are not required to report under the new Standards until January 2023. For more information, visit GRI's website.