Future Cities episode 56: The Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde
This week we bring you another podcast from the city of Glasgow focusing on the Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde. At the height of the British Empire, Glasgow was the hub of the Scottish and European Enlightenment with a vast manufacturing and ship building industry which profoundly shaped the river and the surrounding communities. We're joined by Ria Dunkley, University of Glasgow, and Gillian Dick, Glasgow City Council, to tell us all about a new partnership that has been set up between artists, academics, local government, museums and community groups to explore and expose how the rise of empire and industrialisation shaped the River Clyde and its surrounding urban and natural environment. Singer song writer, Ainsley Hamill and poet, Eilidh Northridge also perform artistic contributions that were inspired by the project.
Keep up with the people and projects highlighted in this episode on Twitter:
The Hidden Environmental Histories of the River Clyde (@hiddenclyde21), Ria Dunkley (@RiaDunkley), Gillian Dick (@gilliannd), Eilidh Northridge (@EilidhNorth), Ainsley Hamill (@AinsleyHamill). You can learn more about Ainsley Hamill at her website (www.ainsleyhamill.com), and buy a physical CD with notes and lyrics at her store. Her music is available on all streaming platforms, such as Spotify.
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If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, e-mail us at [email protected] or find us on Twitter @FutureCitiesPod. Learn more about the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) at www.URExSRN.net.