Future Cities episode 50: Cities of Light

UREx Podcast LogoMarissa Matsler and Robert Lloyd explore another dimension of the series title, as they chat with the authors and editors of “Cities of Light” - a new book of science fiction stories focused on solar-powered cities of the future! Guests Joey Eschrich, Clark Miller, Deji Olukotun, and Lauren Withycombe Keeler talk about the creation of the book, the ideas behind it, and how science fiction can help prepare us for the possibilities - and the demands - of future cities. Get a free digital edition of “Cities of Light” or order a print edition here: https://csi.asu.edu/books/cities-of-light/ Arizona State University Center for Science and the Imagination (@imaginationASU): https://csi.asu.edu/ Learn more about this episode's guests and find links to their Twitter accounts below: Joey Eschrich: https://csi.asu.edu/people/joey-eschrich/ Clark Miller (@clarkamiller): https://sustainability-innovation.asu.edu/person/clark-miller/ Deji Olukotun (@olutron): https://returnofthedeji.com/ Lauren Withycombe Keeler (@femmefutura): https://ifis.asu.edu/content/center-study-futures Listen on iTunes, StitcherGoogle Podcasts, Spotify, or Buzzsprout. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes, e-mail us at [email protected] or find us on Twitter @FutureCitiesPod. Learn more about the Urban Resilience to Extremes Sustainability Research Network (UREx SRN) at www.sustainability.asu.edu/urbanresilience.