Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise offers free access to Dr. Meg Bouvier’s virtual, on-demand grantsmanship training courses. ASU researchers can take advantage of valuable training from medical writer Meg Bouvier.
To access the training:
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- Choose your training workshop
- Use code "ASU NIH Training" on checkout
Margaret Bouvier works with institutions that conduct biomedical research—from academic medical centers to universities to non-profits. As a full-time NIH grantwriter, she sees dozens of reviewer comments each year. With that broad, current perspective, she knows what is fundable right now.
Over the past four years of ASU’s partnership with Dr. Bouvier, these courses have provided foundational NIH grantsmanship training to the entire community of researchers, faculty, post-docs, graduate students, and administrators. Faculty and research administrators who have taken one or more courses consistently say they have improved their grantsmanship skills and would recommend the courses to their colleagues.
Bouvier earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1995. After an NINDS post-doctoral fellowship, she worked as staff writer for NHGRI and the Human Genome Project under then-Director Dr. Francis Collins. For over ten years, she has edited and advised grantees on NIH grant submissions.