The ASU Conservation Innovation Lab and the S.W.A.T. Lab invite you to participate in a research study about single-use plastics (SUP) and effective policymaking.
To participate, all you need to do is complete a 10-minute survey.
This survey aims to determine the SUP footprint of ASU affiliated individuals by evaluating weekly use and disposal of single-use plastics. The SUP footprint will serve as a referral tool for institutions and governments when designing plastic-related policies that are shaped specifically to the city’s plastic consumption, management and perception.

Infynity Hill, graduate student of the biology and society program and Center for Biodiversity Outcomes administrative and communications aide, is coordinating this study.
Your participation is voluntary, your choice to participate has no impact on your position with ASU and your participation will remain publicly anonymous.
Thank you in advance for supporting this research project and helping us share this survey with the ASU community.
This survey is expected to close the first or second week of May, pending the number of responses collected.