On Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 4-5 p.m., David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellow Stephanie Borelle will be presenting a talk titled "Plastic Futures: plastic emissions and the impact of mitigation strategies for reducing plastic pollution."
Marine litter is a complex socio-ecological problem, with numerous land-based and sea-based sources, impacts and many proposed solutions. Diverse strategies are necessary to meet place-based goals, but there should also be quantitative evidence or calculated evaluation to inform which individual mitigation strategies will be the most effective in specific contexts, whether they are achievable, and if they are enough to meet their plastic pollution reduction targets.
In this talk, Borrelle will present a mechanistic stage-model designed to quantify plastic emissions and evaluate the impact of mitigation strategies, such as bans, waste management improvements… etcetera, for reducing plastic emissions to the environment.
She will demonstrate the utility of this framework by presenting future scenarios of plastic emissions and how mitigation strategies might be effective in diverse geo-political contexts, and the level of effort required to meet global aspirations to reduce the harm caused by plastic pollution.
Plastic production and use are expected to increase dramatically in the near future, portending considerable conservation challenges for marine species and ecosystems affected by marine debris, as well as human health, food security and social inequality.
The talk will take place on Wrigley Hall, room 481 in ASU Tempe campus. Light refreshments will be served.
Those who are unable to attend in person, are welcome to join via Zoom (join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android). The meeting ID is 248 713 665. To access the via phone, dial +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 876 9923 (US). International numbers are also available. iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,,248713665# or +16468769923,,248713665#