ASU present, OdySea Aquarium Conservation Expo

Team members assisting kids with activities

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes’ employees represented Arizona State University at the third annual OdySea Aquarium Conservation Expo, held in the aquarium's courtyard.

Over 40 local organizations were featured, sharing their conservation efforts. Activities included live animal interactions, pet adoptions (two dogs), didactic games, raffles and sustainable fish sampling by the aquarium's chef (1,500 samples).

Close to 9,000 people attended this event and many of them donated much-needed supplies to support conservation efforts in the region. The aquarium was also able to raise funds to support its education and conservation initiatives.

Debris artists pose next to finished seahorse statue

Debris artists who turn ocean trash into amazing art created a glass and metal sea horse sculpture throughout the day (photo courtesy of the OdySea Aquarium).

Over 50 teachers participated, signing up to receive information about educational resources to supplement their curriculums.

Dr. Gray Staffor did a podcast for his Zoo Logic followers, available here. You can hear a brief interview with our Administrative Assistant and Event Coordinator Susanne Hinrichs in minute 17:27. The Zoo Logic podcast series has received over 87,000 downloads since its launch over a year ago.

The Center for Biodiversity Outcomes team facilitated interactive activities featuring (1) a tropical rainforest puzzle; (2) a species-to-habitat match game and (3) a poster with important conservation facts about marine biodiversity.

ASU team members group photo by tent

Educational outreach opportunities such as this one allow us to interact with community members of all ages, raising awareness about the world's biodiversity crisis and exploring individual actions that cause a positive impact on conserving wildlife, habitats and natural resources.

This is the second year the center participates in this conservation expo.