Are you a graduate student who is passionate about conserving nature? Do you sometimes wonder about the most effective way to influence change? Are you ready to take your communication and leadership skills to the next level? If so, the
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Communication and Leadership (ECL) may be for you.
The ECL graduate certificate is a compilation of key courses designed to train graduate students in honing their leadership skills and communicating environmental science to the general public, stakeholders and decision-makers.
In brief, students will learn to: (1) effectively communicate environmental science to the public in easy to understand language; (2) demonstrate leadership skills like conflict resolution, team management and strategic thinking; and (3) inform policy and decision-making for an organization, governmental body or other institutions.
This certification is available to both ASU graduate students currently enrolled in a graduate program and other prospective scholars. To learn more about this certificate, including admission requirements,
visit the ECL's academic program page.
The ECL graduate certificate was established by the ASU
Center for Biodiversity Outcomes, a partnership between the
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and the
School of Life Sciences. To learn more about CBO’s educational initiatives,
visit CBO's website.