In conversation with Kathleen Merrigan

Kathleen Merrigan

What food policy decisions were made in the Situation Room in the Obama White House? What was the process like writing the National Organic Program standards? How do we solve climate change through agriculture? Can organic feed the world?

Listen to Kathleen Merrigan’s recent interview with Ben Trollinger, editor of Acres U.S.A., to hear the answers to the above and more. She shares her vision of the food system and the role the Swette Center is playing to lead the way. From the true cost accounting of food to the power of deliciousness, the future of food has never been more exciting. Tune in.

You can also see Kathleen deliver the keynote at the 2019 Acres U.S.A. Eco-Ag Conference & Trade Show this Dec. 9-12 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.