ASU-CI welcomes Katie Cramer

Headshot of Katie standing by the seaThe ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes and Conservation International welcomed Assistant Research Professor Katie Cramer as part of the ASU-CI partnership. Cramer is a marine conservation ecologist and an Oceans Science Fellow at CI. She is part of an international consortium of scientists working on the Reef Futures Project, an initiative funded by a €6 million grant from the Belmont Forum. Katie’s research focuses on quantifying the ecosystem services that coral reefs provide to humanity and determining the conditions under which these services can be maintained under various global change scenarios. In collaboration with ASU-CI Professor of Practice Jack Kittinger, Katie is also conducting research focused on identifying market-based strategies that can improve the sustainability of coral reef fisheries. This work will inform coral reef conservation and management strategies to promote reef persistence and resilience in an era of increasing human disturbance. Welcome aboard Katie!