National Academy of Public Administration has inducted
Nicole Darnall, associate dean and professor in Arizona State University's School of Sustainability, into its 2019 class of fellows. Darnall is one of eight NAPA fellows from ASU. An induction into NAPA is one of the highest honors of a public administration official.
Established by Congress in 1967, the nonpartisan NAPA conducts work for federal cabinet departments and agencies, aiming to “improve governance and advance the field of public administration,” by focusing on intergovernmental evaluation, financial management, strategic planning, organization assessment, performance management and human capital.
In addition to being named a NAPA fellow, Darnall is also an Erasmus Mundus International Scholar, an Economic and Social Research Council and Social Science Research Council Collaborative Visiting Fellow and a Social Science Research Council Abe Fellow. She is a senior sustainability scholar in the
Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and focuses her research on how incentives and practical governance approaches can lead to better environmental and economic outcomes. Darnall is also co-founder and team leader of the
Sustainable Purchasing Research Initiative.