Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Founding Director
Leah Gerber, shared her insights on the importance of protecting nature and the personal connections we create with it in a recently published article.
The article titled “
Aprendiendo a protegar la biodiversidad” (learning to protect biodiversity) was published in
Animal Político—an independent Mexican publication.
In the article, Gerber shares a very personal and meaningful anecdote with nature that occurred while conducting research with students on sea lion populations in the Gulf of California:
“Stopping for a swim on our long boat ride back from Isla Lobos, we were approached by an unusually friendly dolphin who would not leave me alone. The Mexican fisherman who was driving our boat teased me that I was pregnant.
“I had no idea — but he (and the dolphin) turned out to be right. And I wondered after: how did he know about what that dolphin knew?”
Although perhaps not dolphin encounters, most of us can recall an experience with nature that left us in wonder and feeling connected to the big web of life. It is precisely that connection with biodiversity that Gerber emphasizes:
“When you eat dinner, when you drink a glass of water, when you take a breath of air: that’s nature.”
However, the lack of support for biodiversity conservation poses an alarming threat to the ecosystem services nature provides, to species protection and to human prosperity.
Gerber makes a call to action, suggesting three ways in which everyone can support conservation efforts.
For the English version of the article,
click here.