As part of Arizona State University’s efforts to advance sustainability education for K–12 students, a faculty-led student group created a suite of Kahoot! games to teach sustainability concepts. Kahoot! is a widely used platform to play fun, educational games called “kahoots” that are popular in classrooms and other group settings.
Through a new capstone workshop called “Innovation in Science Communication,” three undergraduate School of Sustainability students created nine quizzes for a new Kahoot! campaign, ASU Sustainable Futures. Topics include designing for our future, environment, sustainable food, social justice and energy. The students were responsible for developing the content and then demoing the kahoots in several middle school classes.
This unique workshop is led by Stephanie Pfirman, a senior sustainability scientist in the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and a professor in the School of Sustainability. Pfirman said she wanted to create a partnership between ASU and Kahoot! because of her work with the company last year as a faculty member at Columbia University. Teachers love Kahoot!, she said, because it is free to use, the format can be adapted to different content, and students enjoy learning through the games.
The ASU Sustainable Futures campaign launched on April 5. As of April 23, the quizzes had reached a total of nearly 300,000 players. Pfirman said the futures theme for the campaign was inspired by and aligned with ASU’s new Global Futures initiative, which aims to strategically plan a sustainable future that ensures human well-being.
Learn more on ASU Now.
Video: Introduction to Kahoot! as an educational tool, featuring Stephanie Pfirman