Watch research seminars from the East-West Center
The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability frequently co-sponsors events with the East-West Center in Hawaii. Videos of two of these research seminars were recently made available online for public viewing. Watch them below to learn more about the role that policy-makers, investors and parliaments can play in sustainable development.
“The Trillion-plus Opportunity: Investing to Reverse Global Warming” with Katie Hoffman
Katie Hoffman is a financial innovator, development strategist and entrepreneur. She is the co-founder and CEO of Resco, LLC, a firm that accelerates social and environmental investment opportunities.
“Transforming the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals into Everyday Reality: The Role of Parliaments” with Martin Chungong
In 2014, Martin Chungong became the first African and non-European to be elected secretary general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. A native of Cameroon, he is a leader in helping parliaments become more transparent, accountable, representative and effective democratic institutions.