Sustainability Change Agents present strategies to Mayo Clinic
On November 27, Arizona State University School of Sustainability Change Agents led by instructor Colin Tetreault presented recommendations and strategies to the Mayo Clinic corporate sustainability committee. Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit academic medical center with which ASU is partnered.
According to Tetreault, the student Change Agents were tasked with three projects: to reimagine sustainability for Mayo Clinic from a brand and engagement perspective, to create a sustainability-based toolkit for Mayo Clinic talent recruiters, and to create a campaign for Mayo Clinic to engage the community through sustainability.
The presentations were well-received by the committee, Tetreault said, as they helped to frame Mayo Clinic’s sustainability and human resource issues in a new and inspiring light.
“I had several conversations with the senior leadership. They were very impressed with the students,” he said. “We should all be proud of their hard work. This is what ASU and the School of Sustainability do — create solutions to complex issues.”
These presentations were the result of a capstone course to help support the advancement of sustainability within Mayo Clinic. The course is anticipated to be available again in the fall 2019 semester.
Top photo: Students Teddy Gonzalez and Min Daw Lee; Bottom photo: Students Christina Fleming, Sarah Donovan, Minja Maksimovic, Huasiqi Tang and Matthew Burmeister; Photos courtesy of Peter Pallagi, Mayo Clinic
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