Esteban Jobbágy, an Arizona State University Global Drylands Center affiliate, has been named a 2018
American Geophysical Union Ambassador Award recipient. Recipients are chosen and recognized for their achievements in space and Earth science and also their dedication to science that benefits humanity.
AGU President Eric Davidson stated in a
press release that “this year’s awardees exemplify AGU’s ongoing commitment to recognizing and promoting the best scientific research, education, and communication in the Earth and space sciences.” Honorees will be recognized at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting in Washington, D.C. this December.
Jobbágy is also an adjunct professor and independent research scientist at Universidad Nacional de San Luis. He has carried out extensive research studying the influence of afforestation on the cycle of materials in terrestrial ecosystems. Recently, Jobbágy and his group studied the impact of vegetation changes on biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functioning at multiple spatial and temporal scales. His most recent research discusses the human-caused formation of new rivers in Argentina, as described in the video below.