Challenges to our planet can overwhelmingly command the headlines: climate change, massive population increases, dwindling resources.
But with every crisis comes an opportunity for creativity — innovative responses that have the potential to improve our lives and change how we interact with the ecosystem and with one another. And in Phoenix and other “extreme” cities, there is growing urgency to find those solutions.
Arizona State University’s Thought Huddle podcast explores such ideas in its latest episode, “
Hot and Habitable: Creating Sustainable Cities.”
Host Mary-Charlotte Domandi talks with three ASU sustainability experts on ways to make urban spaces more livable for the long term: architect Jack DeBartolo, a faculty associate in The Design School at ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts; Elizabeth Wentz, dean of social sciences in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning; and Wellington “Duke” Reiter, an architect, urban designer and executive director of ASU’s University City Exchange.
Listen to the podcast online or on the Apple Podcasts app by searching "Thought Huddle podcast."