Climate Geoengineering: GeoE Live

In September, ASU's PlanetWorks hosted Climate Geoengineering: GeoE Live (#GeoElive), a live-streamed workshop exploring the potential promise and perils of climate invention strategies. Organized in partnership with the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment, the Institute on Science for Global Policy and ASU LightWorks, #GeoElive focused on a variety of climate change solutions, economics and policies. The half-day virtual workshop was streamed via Twitter, Facebook Live and YouTube Live, amassing thousands of viewers from 27 U.S. states and 44 countries. #GeoElive featured panels, interviews and podcasts, including one with ASU’s Dr. Klaus Lackner covering carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology. “We're really excited to reach a broad and diverse audience that extends beyond our everyday interactions on university campuses,” said PlanetWorks Lab Manager Stephen Romaniello. The videos for #GeoElive are featured below. Please revisit the sessions and join in on the conversation with the hashtag #GeoElive.