The Spirit of Science brings history to life
On October 17, ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes Project Manager Amy Scoville-Weaver volunteered in a unique educational event, “The Spirit of Science” at in Jacobsen Elementary in Chandler.
Over 150 children participated, having “face to face” encounters with the most influential scientific minds throughout history, from Ada Lovelace to Hypatia of Alexandria. Scientists from across the Valley acted the part, leading discussions with the children about the history of science and the value diversity and inclusion play in advancing scientific thought and discovery.
This event was sponsored by March for Science – Phoenix, an initiative with the mission of protecting “the integrity of evidence and enact sound policy in our state by encouraging the public to value and invest in science.”
The center champions STEM leadership to create a more inclusive and dynamic scientific community. This event aligns with our core value of inclusivity and we look forward to future engagement in K-12 science outreach.