ASU-CI: A transformational partnership

Satellite view of sun rising behind EarthThe ASU Center for Biodiversity Outcomes (CBO) and Conservation International (CI) unveiled a video featuring CBO’s Distinguished Professor of Practice and CI’s new CEO, M. Sanjayan, describing the transformational potential of the ASU-CI Knowledge Partnership during his ASU visit in May 2017. In the video, Sanjayan explains that “This partnership will help us answer that fundamental question—how do we live on this planet without exhausting the resources we all need to survive?” Over the course of five years, both ASU and CI will tackle three of the most pressing issues facing global society: Conserving natural resources, ensuring a sustainable and equitable food supply, and training the next generation of conservation leaders. “This is a milestone in the history of CI, and I hope—and I suspect—that it will be a milestone in the history of ASU, as well,” Sanjayan says. For more information about the ASU-CI partnership, please contact Amy Scoville-Weaver, CBO Project Manager or Katie Russell, CI Development Manager.