Life below water, ocean sustainability report
The Nereus Program, an interdisciplinary collaboration of the The Nippon Foundation at The University of British Columbia, released a report titled, “Oceans and the Sustainable Development Goals: Co-benefits, climate change & social equity.”
Just in time for the United Nations (UN) World Ocean Conference, the report emphasizes the connections between the ocean goal and the other UN Sustainable Development Goals established in 2015.
“Achieving sustainable fisheries can therefore help reduce poverty (SDG 1), limit hunger (SDG 2), and contribute to decent work and sustained economic growth (SDG 8) 47 by providing employment opportunities and productive fish stocks,” highlights the report.
The report also emphasizes the importance of cross-disciplinary research for effective conservation outcomes. Dr. Jack Kittinger, ASU-Conservation International Professor of Practice, is one of the report’s collaborators.