Book penned by ASU energy expert honored with award

Martin PasqualettiSenior Sustainability Scientist Martin Pasqualetti was awarded the 2017 Place Research Award by the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) and the Project for Public Spaces. The 2017 Place Research Award  is one of four Great Places Awards given every year. The award recognizes work that applies an interdisciplinary research approach – integrating design, research and practice while focusing on the relationship between people and their environment. In 2017, Pasqualetti was deemed a fitting recipient for his work on the recently-published book “The Renewable Energy Landscape: Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future," which he both co-edited and co-authored. The book highlights a framework developed by Pasqualetti and his team to understand and manage the scenic impacts of renewable energy projects like wind and solar farms. The EDRA Board of Directors emphasized the significance of Pasqualetti's intellectual contribution when announcing the award, saying, “The submission truly exemplifies the concern for human centered place-making in the context of sustainable development and harnessing renewable energy in the era of climate change, and a commitment to promoting the links between design research and practice."