Lexie Krechel graduated from the School of Sustainability in 2013 with a
Bachelor of Arts degree in the
Society and Sustainability track.
Krechel also earned a Minor in Social Work along with a Certificate in Public Administration and Management. She currently works as the Community Outreach Coordinator for the Tempe Community Action Agency.
Tell us about your current job and how it is related to sustainability.
I found my current position at Tempe Community Action Agency by looking on nonprofit job boards. I knew that I wanted to stay in the nonprofit world, but just needed to find the right organization. I decided to pursue a position at TCAA because I wanted to be able to see the impact that my work was having on the community.
My job works toward creating a more sustainable future for individuals who are in need of assistance in Tempe and across the Valley. Most of our programs are preventative, and an entry point to try to alleviate hardships before situations worsen. The programs cover various aspects related to human services. Although I do not work directly with any of the programs, I am able to see where the funding I work to bring in goes, which is really exciting to witness.
What does sustainability mean to you?
Sustainability to me is not only preserving our resources for the generations of tomorrow, but is creating a healthy and safe community that supports the vision of preserving for future generations.
Why did you choose to enroll in the School of Sustainability at ASU?
Looking back at all of my college and scholarship applications, it is fun to see that when I applied to the School of Sustainability, I had planned to save the world!