CBO and Partners Initiate Development of Biodiversity Risk Assessment tool
CBO and a team of partners assembled this summer at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) in Santa Barbara to discuss biodiversity and water conservation in business.
Partners representing The Earth Genome, The Environmental Defense Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability joined forces with CBO to initiate development of a decision-support tool that will help corporations assess risks to the public, the environment, and their business associated with their water use. The team plans to bring together a wide variety of biodiversity data to help corporations actively consider biodiversity in their activities.
CBO brings team member Peter Kareiva, former Chief Scientist of The Nature Conservancy and new Director of the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability to ASU this fall (October 28-29) for a stimulating two day series of events engaging new ways to approach biodiversity conservation.
From left to right, the photo is Glen Low (EG), Sarah Geren (CBO), Peter Kareiva (seated; TNC/UCLA-IOES) Rebecca Shaw (EDF), Leah Gerber (CBO), Steve McCormick (EG), Beth Tellman (CBO), and John Sabo (CBO).