SCN Steering Committee Member Now Peoria's Economic Efficiency and Sustainability Manager

Lisa Estrada Thanks to her enthusiasm for sustainability, Lisa Estrada, Peoria’s representative on SCN’s Steering Committee, has recently changed titles. Previously the Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator, her new title is now Economic Efficiency and Sustainability Manager. Prior to the creation of the position, much of the work in sustainability the City has completed was implemented from the grassroots level with the support of management. Initiatives have focused on integrating sustainability practices throughout the municipality; and despite the economic downturn, Peoria was able to maintain a commitment to green practices, while continually seeking new opportunities in this area. The City’s success led to widespread enthusiasm to do more in sustainability. In January of this year, there was an opportunity to create a position to specifically focus on sustainable municipal practices to guide the City’s sustainability program.   Along with the new position, Lisa is also a member of ASU’s Executive Masters in Sustainability Leadership’s newest cohort. In enrolling in the program, she will be able to learn more about sustainability, as well as the necessary tools, skills and leadership required to demonstrate its value to the City. Lisa is gaining exposure to best practices, success stories, and expert faculty. She finds it to be an “incredible opportunity to be surrounded by sustainability experts who are passionate and committed to a sustainable future.”   Education and outreach are important components of the initiatives Lisa and the City are looking to implement. For residents, the City is looking to expand Peoria’s current Sustainable University community education workshops. For employees of the City, Lisa is making an impact in educating new employees in sustainable practices, emphasizing the importance of setting expectations for all new hires. She is also working closely with City staff on developing best practices for municipal functions; a recent example, redesigning water fountains to function as reusable bottle filling stations that also track the amount of one-time-use bottles that are potentially kept out of the landfill. Other initiatives include establishing new goals for greenhouse gas emissions, greening fire stations, and looking into renewable energy opportunities. SCN congratulates Lisa for her achievements, and wishes her success in these future endeavors.