A new poll, conducted by ASU’s
Morrison Institute for Public Policy and the
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, articulates the top two priorities among Arizona residents: education and water.
The inaugural Morrison-Cronkite Quarterly Poll surveyed 754 Arizonan adults statewide to assess opinions on a variety of issues, from law enforcement to arts and culture. Among the 11 issues offered to respondents, “maintaining adequate water and water quality” ranks at that same level of importance (87 percent) as education.
“It’s apparent that the importance of ensuring an adequate and quality water supply for Arizona’s varied interests figures prominently on Arizonans’ radar," said David Daugherty, associate director of Morrison Institute and director of the poll. "This is a complex and dynamic issue, but clearly one that Arizonans understand as a priority that needs to be thoroughly examined and addressed.”