To demonstrate ASU's dedication to sustainability and embeddedness in the community, students from the
School of Sustainability will lead the clean-up of University of Phoenix Stadium after Super Bowl XLIX concludes. More than 20 students have volunteered to sort recyclable items from non-recyclables, thereby diverting them from landfills.
Sustainability is a primary reason for ASU’s involvement in Super Bowl-related events. The university even has a booth at Super Bowl Central in downtown Phoenix to showcase its advancements in the field. The booth is covered with solar panels, and visitors may play hands-on football games powered by solar energy.
The Super Bowl is also working to strengthen its sustainability efforts, and is now lauded "the greenest professional sports championship in the United States." Jack Groh, Environmental Program Director of the National Football League, discussed these efforts during a
Sustainability Series lecture titled "Greening the Super Bowl" hosted by the
ASU Wrigley Institute.