Former SCENE student to attend Nobel Prize ceremonies

galvin-nobel-prize-ceremoniesASU freshman Sarah Galvin's award-winning research has provided her more than $10,000 in total scholarship money and a ticket to the prestigious Nobel Prize ceremonies in Stockholm. In high school, Galvin did not want to wait until college to put her science interests into action. She began looking into research opportunities open to high school students, and found the ASU Wrigley Institute's Southwest Center for Education and the Natural Environment. Galvin became intrigued with the work led by Nathan Newman - a sustainability scientist and professor in the School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy - including his lab team’s efforts to develop next-generation electronics. Galvin's work in Newman's lab earned her a first-place prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, where she competed against 1,700 of the top high school students from 70 countries around the world.