ASU sustainability scientist receives national solar energy award

Reddy Solar Energy AwardArizona State University professor and sustainability scientist T. Agami Reddy has been named the 2014 Yellott Award recipient by the Solar Energy Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). According to ASME, Reddy was selected for “his dedicated and productive research career in solar thermal energy and energy efficiency in buildings, for his dedication to train(ing) students in energy sustainability, and for his extensive service and leadership to the ASME Solar Energy Division." Reddy is also a founding chair of ASME’s Conference on Energy Sustainability. The highest of the Solar Energy Division, the Yellott Award honors the division’s first chair, professor John Yellott. It serves to recognize significant contributions to solar energy engineering through research, publication and education. The award was presented to Reddy -  its 11th recipient to date - during the 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, held in Boston. “This ASME award is especially precious to me,” Reddy says, “since professor Yellott was a faculty member in The Design School and co-founded the Master of Science in the Built Environment program. I feel deeply honored to be the recipient of this award.”