Feature: Introduction to ASU’s new blog series on EPA’s “Clean Power Plan”

Welcome to our new blog on the U.S. EPA's so-called Clean Power Plan. The "Clean Power Plan" is a new set of regulations recently proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. While it's far from being finalized, the Clean Power Plan could have far-reaching implications for the U.S. electricity system, utility companies, and citizens from all walks of life. epic_blog_series_1As part of cooperation between the ASU’s Energy Policy Innovation Council (EPIC), ASU LightWorks, and ASU's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, we'll be using this space to share our thoughts and analysis on the EPA's plan. Maren Mahoney, Strategic Initiatives Coordinator, Energy Policy Innovation Council, and Eddie Burgess, Program Coordinator for the Utility of the Future Center (UFC) are the primary authors, though occasionally we'll also have guest posts from ASU faculty experts in other fields such as economics, environment, law, business, geography, and engineering. Maren Mahoney, EPICThe aim of this blog is to add to the discussion on carbon dioxide reduction by contributing an impartial perspective of Arizona’s unique regulatory, cultural, and economic status within the Southwestern U.S. As part of the New American University, it is one way for ASU to play a helpful role within the Arizona community. Eddie Burgess, UFCThis blog is just the start of our efforts to thoroughly and accurately inform Arizonans and people throughout the U.S. about the opportunities and challenges presented by the Plan.  As we write, we'll be asking questions that tackle big questions, such as:
  • What are the big legal and technical issues that this proposal raises?
  • How does the Clean Power Plan affect Arizona's citizens?
  • How will it affect citizens, not just in Arizona, but throughout the Southwest and other parts of the country?
  • How can Arizona, working with this proposal, build the best state plan for its future?
We want to enlighten, encourage, and embolden our readers, and we look forward to exploring these questions and potential answers with you. Please join the discussion on our Facebook pages: ASU LightWorks and EPIC or via Twitter (@ASULightWorks and @ASUEnergyPolicy). We also welcome emails to: [email protected]. Written by Maren Mahoney, EPIC