Dirks appointed to State Energy Advisory Board

gary dirks photo april 2013Continuing ASU's tradition of shaping Arizona’s energy future, Gary Dirks - director of LightWorks, the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and the Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership (ATP3) - has been named a member of Governor Jan Brewer’s State Energy Advisory Board. Established as part of the governor’s 2014 Executive Order adopting the state’s Master Energy Plan, the new board will help to ensure that Arizona's energy industry remains reliable, secure and affordable in the long-term. Through Dirks' leadership, ASU has been involved in a number of projects that shape our energy future both in Arizona and across the globe. This year, along with numerous ASU partners, Dirks was instrumental in the creation of the Renewable Energy Leadership Training Program. The program provides strategic workshops on, and opportunities to assist with, energy transitions in various nations. This allows both ASU and participating nations to gain valuable insight into the complexities of such transitions. The first session included participants from Palestine, with additional projects forthcoming in both Albania and the U.S. Virgin Islands.