Aid agencies in unique position to integrate sustainable solutions

Fron Nahzi

Fron Nahzi, Global Business Development Director for Walton Sustainability Solutions Initiatives, authored a recent article in The World Post titled "When Donor Driven Programs Work." In the article, Nahzi discusses the importance of incorporating sustainability practices into government aid programs like the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Nahzi posits that finding sustainable solutions to energy, water, transportation and livelihood quandaries ensures a better investment by the American taxpayer.

USAID is in a particularly favorable position to assume a sustainable approach to international development, according to Nahzi. Not only would doing so support changes called for by climate reports generated by both the United States and United Nations, but the organization already utilizes what Nahzi calls a system of "cross-cutting issues." Additionally, the first Africa Leaders' Summit is being held at the White House next week, presenting a great opportunity for USAID to incorporate sustainable solutions into its foreign aid programs.