CAP will be holding its 16th annual All Scientists Meeting and Poster Symposium on January 17th at ASU's SkySong facility in Scottsdale. Joyce Coffee, Managing Director of the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index (ND-GAIN), will be the keynote speaker. ND-GAIN is the world’s leading index showing which countries are best prepared to deal with the droughts, superstorms, and other natural disasters climate change can cause. Ms. Coffee will be speaking on "Adaptation Implementation: Efforts to Parlay Research into Action in Three Sectors." She will bring a wealth of experience working on climate change and sustainability, particularly in the governmental and corporate sectors, into her presentation, including work directing the City of Chicago’s Climate Action Plan.
In addition to Ms. Coffee’s keynote presentation in the morning, Dave White, co-Director of the Decision Center for a Desert City (DCDC), will speak about the recently-published report of findings from 10 years of DCDC research, education, and outreach in the greater Phoenix area. Since CAP is involved in writing its own synthesis volume reflecting on 16 years of urban socioecological research, the day's presentations will include the lead authors of these chapters presenting their work in morning and afternoon sessions. Among the presenters will be Christopher Boone, Paige Warren, Kerry Smith, Jianguo Wu, and Nancy Grimm. These will be thought-provoking presentations that not only synthesize CAP’s past research but also point the way toward future urban socioecological research and practice.
The program for the CAP ASM lists abstracts for the 48 posters that will be presented by a talented group of students, faculty, and staff.