Clubs for sustainability education and networking

Global Sustainability Studies Initiative

By promoting the study of sustainability in a global context, the Global Sustainability Studies Initiative (GSSI) strives to help individuals develop the skills and abilities necessary to solve sustainability problems which are transdisciplinary and global in scope. The group achieves its goals through merit and non-merit based scholarships, fundraisers, and other events to raise money for members to study abroad. It serves as a network for those who have practiced sustainability study abroad and those who have not.
Student Organization Profile

Honor Society for Sustainability, Alpha Chapter

This network of sustainability scholars has demonstrated academic excellence and is committed to solving global challenges of sustainability. The group’s goals are to achieve widespread application of sustainable principles; empower members for success; recognize notable sustainability achievements; stimulate dialogues that redefine complex problems in sustainable terms; and make lasting and meaningful contributions in the lives of others.
Student Organization Profile | Website | Facebook

Net Impact, Arizona State University

Affiliated with ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business MBA program, Net Impact and the ASU Student Chapter strives to improve the world by growing and strengthening a network of leaders who use the power of business to make a positive net social, environmental, and economic impact.
Student Organization Profile

Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS)

SEEDS engages students in the world of ecology through research opportunities, workshops, volunteering, and other events. The group works with the Ecological Society of America, and travels to Long Term Ecological Research sites throughout the U.S. to see projects in action. The group also does local volunteering related to ecology, from helping schools judge science fairs to pulling invasive weeds.
Student Organization Profile

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