On May 1, 2013, students engaged in DCDC education programs participated in our annual poster symposium. Graduate students from the Community of Graduate Scholars program, undergraduate interns from the Internship for Science-Practice Integration program, and undergraduates working with faculty researchers as Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU's) presented their research results.
CGS Posters
Farmers’ Resilience to Socio-Ecological Change in Central Arizona [poster]
- Julia C. Bausch (CGS), Cathy Rubiños, Hallie Eakin, Abigail York, and Rimjhim Aggarwal
Quenching our Thirst: Future Scenarios of Water in Phoenix [poster]
- Lauren Withycombe Keeler (CGS), Arnim Wiek, Dave White, Ray Quay, David Sampson, and John Quinn
Fostering Perspective-Taking in Collaborative Decision Making through an Interactive Computer Simulation [poster]
- Rashmi Krishnamurthy (CGS), Erik W. Johnston, Manikandan Vijayakumar (CGS), and Ajay Vinze
Actual vs. Perceived Amounts of De facto Wastewater Reuse in the Continental United States [poster]
- Jacelyn Rice (CGS) and Paul Westerhoff
Cross-cultural Perspectives on Uncertainty in Climate Science: Preliminary Results from DCDC and the Global Ethnohydrology Study [poster]
- Jose Rosales Chavez (CGS), Amber Wutich, Dave White, Kelli Larson, and Alexandra Brewis
Uncertainty Frames in Water Policy Debates [poster]
- Dave White and V. Kelly Turner (CGS)
Sustainability, Collaboration and Uncertainty: A Scenario Based Evaluation of Water Issues for Desert Cities Using Computer Simulation [poster]
- Manikandan Vijayakumar (CGS), Erik Johnston, Rashmi Krishnamurthy (CGS), and Ajay Vinze
Using Structured Discussions to Explore Cross-Cutting Themes in Research at the Decision Center for a Desert City – Community of Graduate Scholars Group Poster [poster]
- Julia C. Bausch, Jacelyn Rice, Jose Rosales Chavez, Lauren Withycombe Keeler, Rashmi Krishnamurthy, Rebecca Neel, Jorge Cazáres Rodriguez, V. Kelly Turner, and Manikandan Vijayakumar

ISPI Posters
Residential Landscaping Decisions and Water Usage in the City of Phoenix [poster]
- Emily Allen, ISPI Intern with the City of Phoenix
- Doug Frost, Mentor, City of Phoenix
- Elizabeth Wentz, ASU Faculty Mentor
Analysis of Water Consumption Trends in the City of Goodyear [poster]
- Christopher Berg, ISPI Intern with the City of Goodyear
- Mark Holmes, Mentor, City of Goodyear
- Ray Quay, ASU Faculty Mentor
Implementation of Low Impact Development Paving Strategies in Central Arizona [poster]
- Erin Brechbiel, ISPI Intern with the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- Summer Waters, Mentor, U of A Cooperative Extension
- Abigail York, ASU Faculty Mentor
Potential Attributes of Water Use Variation in Mixed Use Residential Landscapes [poster]
- Joseph Hennessy, ISPI Intern with the City of Phoenix
- Douglas Frost and Adam Miller, Mentors, City of Phoenix
- Dave White, ASU Faculty Mentor
Modeling Well Specific Pumping at the Provider Level [poster]
- Taylor Ketchum, ISPI Intern with Arizona Department of Water Resources
- Dale Mason and Frank Corkhill, Mentors, Arizona Department of Water Resources
- David Sampson, ASU Faculty Mentor
Criteria-Based Risk Assessment for Sustainable Water Quality in Municipal Wells [poster]
- Samantha Kohlwey, ISPI Intern with the City of Mesa
- Brian Draper and Colette Moore, Mentors, City of Mesa
- Ray Quay, ASU Faculty Mentor
Complexities of Analyzing the Water/Energy Nexus in Small Hillside Water Distribution Systems [poster]
- Winnie (Ching Yan) Lau, ISPI Intern with the City of Phoenix
- Andy Terrey, Mentor, City of Phoenix
- Benjamin Ruddell, ASU Faculty Mentor
Effective Engagements at the Rio Salado Habitat Restoration Area [poster]
- Martin Montes de Oca, ISPI Intern with the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- Summer Waters, Mentor, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
- Monica Elser, ASU Faculty Mentor
Effectiveness of the Modified Field Trip Curriculum: Teaching the Importance of Good Conservation Habits [poster]
- Andrew Wittig, ISPI Intern with Audubon Arizona
- Lyana Guevara, Mentor, Audubon Arizona
- Joni Adamson and Monica Elser, ASU Faculty Mentors
REU Posters
When Scientists Disagree: How We Frame Uncertainty Influences Public Trust of Science [poster]
- Rebecca Neel, Nicholas Murtha (REU), Susan Ledlow, Steven Neuberg, and Douglas Kenrick
The Future of Water in the Desert: Convergence and Divergence between Decision Makers and Students [poster]
- John Quinn (REU), Dave White, Lauren Withycombe Keeler, Arnim Wiek, and Kelli Larson
The Upside of Flip-Flopping: How Former Skeptics Can Shift Public Opinion on Climate Change [poster]
- Megan Ringel (REU), Rebecca Neel, Jaimie Krems, and Steven Neuberg